Monday, December 26, 2011

Week 18 Holiday Centers

Dear Parents,
Our Holiday Centers were a huge success!  The kids got to visit five centers:  Jingo Bingo, Donut Decorating, Magic Reindeer Food, Holiday Races, and Gingerbread Decorating.  Everyone had a great time together and we couldn't have done it without the help of our wonderful Room Moms--Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Donselaar as well as all of our parents who donated items and came to run centers and celebrate with the kids!  I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing all of you when school starts back in January!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Week Seventeen


Dear Parents,
Enjoy our pictures from the busy little elves in Room 108!


Thank you!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Week 16 Cookie Sale


Dear Parents,
Please enjoy our Cookie Sale pictures.  The kids had lots of fun trying to sell our cookies to Mrs. Barton's class and Mrs. Sieland's class.  We raised $1.53 and donated it to Caring Coins.  Thank you to our moms and our families for coming in to purchase and help with the sale.  Thank you to Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Wade for donating cookies to our sale!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week 16 Cookie Baking

Dear Parents,
The kids had so much fun with cookie making today!  Thank you to Samantha's mom, Tyler's mom, and Olivia's mom for coming in and working with the kids.  What a great experience.  We hope you can join us tomorrow morning for our Bake Sale...cookies will be a penny each!!!  Our sale begins at 9:00am!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Caring Coins !

Dear Parents,
Next week the students will be able to participate in Caring Coins events each day to collect donations for our wonderful Kemp custodians, lunchroom staff, and police officers who help with traffic.  If you would like your child to take part, please send in any donations in a Ziploc bag labeled "Caring Coins". 

Tuesday 6th:  wear your favorite holiday hat to school for $1.00

Wednesday 7th: wear pajamas to school for $1.00

Thursday 8th: wear your favorite Sports shirt for $1.00

Friday 9th: get your face painted for $1.00

Wednesday 14th:  Holiday Bazaar (all items on sale for $1.00)

If you would like to donate individually wrapped baked goods or gently used items from your home (candles, purses, decorations, mugs, jewelry, etc.) please have them turned into school by Tuesday, December 13th. 
