Friday, September 27, 2013

Animals and their Babies - Week Eight

chriskazanjian's 8th Week album on Photobucket

Dear Parents,

Another busy week in Kindergarten!  We met with our book buddies and they were wonderful to help us cut out our animal sound bubbles.  We glued them to the correct animal! We had fun learning about decomposing by reading Five Little Ducks!  We also got to play a game called Race to 10 using a ten frame, die, and counters!  How neat!  On Thursday, we got to visit some apple centers in the room.   We taste tested apples and chose a favorite!  We made a really cute craft showing the steps in the life cycle of an apple and we also made applesauce!  It was lots of fun!  Our field trip to the dairy farm was a blast!  The kids behaved very well and really enjoyed seeing all the farm animals and hearing about life on a farm from our tour guide.  We also took a ride on a tractor and got to stop in the field and feed the cows!  Boy, were they hungry!!!  We wrapped up the trip with lunch and walk through the corn field!  How fun is that?
Thank you to all parents who attended this trip!

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Animals - Week Seven

chriskazanjian's 7th Week album on Photobucket

Dear Parents,

This week we learned about animals and how they move.  We sorted them by their covering and we compared and contrasted them to see how they were the same and different.  The kids had fun working with shapes, sorting manipulatives, and tossing two-sided counters to see which color had more or less.  The excitement is building for our field trip next week!  Hopefully, we will have good weather!


Jobs - Week Six

chriskazanjian's 6th Week 2013 album on Photobucket

Dear Parents,

The students had fun this week learning about different types of community helpers.  We read about fire fighters, doctors, and police officers. 
Our Book Buddies helped us assemble our doctor bags…how nice of them!  
We had fun comparing shapes, stamping and tracing numbers, and recording how our beans fell during math groups.  One of our favorite activities is our morning songs!  We love to sing and dance!  We sure stay busy!!!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Global Address - Week Five

chriskazanjian's 5th Week 2013 album on Photobucket
Dear Parents,
This week in Kindergarten we learned about our Global Address.  We made posters to help us learn exactly where we are in the world! We also made flip books to help us learn our street address, city, county, state, country, and continent.  We will continue to practice this throughout the year!  The students got to visit the Media Center for story and checkout.  We got to see it transformed for the Book Fair!  It looks really cool!  We also got to use the iPads that the PTA purchased for each grade level!  The kids loved practicing their reading skills during our Guided Reading time.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

Home and Family - Week Four

chriskazanjian's 4th Week 2013 album on Photobucket

Dear Parents,

This week the students enjoyed learning more about what makes a house a home and what makes family so important!  In Reading, we practiced Read to Someone.  We made sure to sit close together and we chose books from our book boxes.  We also began our ABC books with the letter Tt page.  In Writing, we wrote what we love about school for our August writing sample.  In Math, we worked in our Number Journals 1-20.  We loved participating in the dress up days for Friendship Week and getting to See Gutsy the Flying Fox was a real treathe sure can jump HIGH!
Have a great weekend!
