Sunday, March 17, 2019

STEM Leprechaun Traps 2nd Try

Here are pictures from our 2nd try to catch Lucky the Leprechaun.  We looked at more pictures of traps and reviewed the tips about what makes a leprechaun want to take our gold and then we made improvements to our traps.  We set these traps up Friday afternoon.  We hope that when we get to school Monday one of us will have caught Lucky the Leprechaun!

STEM Leprechaun Traps 1st Try

Slideshow traps 1st try from Cobb Co Schools

This was our first attempt to catch Lucky the Leprechaun.  Since St. Patrick's Day fell on the weekend, we set our traps up Thursday night with no luck.  We did get some notes from him telling us our traps were good and ALMOST trapped him.  He said he'd be back to give us one more try...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Baby Shark Video

                        Baby Shark with Ms. Clement's Class! from Team Atlanta on Vimeo.

Thank you, Boosterthon Team, for putting this  together!!!