Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week 29

Dear Parents,

The students had another busy week in Kindergarten.  We painted flowers for the cover of our Plant Journals.  We learned about the parts of a flower and got to take apart a real flower and observe it with a magnifying glass.  We also visited the Art Show and saw our own works of art on display!  


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 28

Dear Parents,

This week we focused on soil.  The kids got to examine their soil samples and even see how worms move in the soil.  We did an experiment with sugar cubes in water to see how rocks can break down over time to become soil and sand.  We also observed sand with our magnifying glasses as well as a microscope. Our sand art pictures were fun to make but I think the kids really enjoyed smearing mud all over their pig pictures!


Week 28 Saint Patrick's Day Centers!

Dear Parents,

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!  The students had a great time visiting our special centers today.  They got to make their own rainbow/pot of gold card at the Shamrock Art table with Mrs. Priest and Aria's mom.  We found out that Pedro is very ticklish...especially when his hand is being painted!  The Shamrock Shake center was a hit as well.  The kids loved tasting the shakes mixed up by Ansley's mom and snacking on cookies made by Olivia's mom.  The Lucky Charms Graph center stayed busy as Sofia's mom helped the kids get their materials ready so they could sort their cereal!  The kids got to write what they would do if they found the leprechaun's treasure at the Pot of Gold center with Olivia's mom.  Every sentence written correctly earned them a gold coin!  The Leprechaun, Leprechaun What Do You See center had the kids reading the pattern book and pasting number words to match the numeral with me.  A fun time was had by all.

Once we returned from lunch we discovered that a little leprechaun had made a huge mess in our room.  We saw that our trap was down so we lifted it up only to find that our gold was gone.  In its place was a shamrock clue.  We followed the clues around the building and ended up back at our classroom where we found the leprechaun's gold!!  What a special day it was.  Thank you to all our moms for coming in to help with centers and for all the donations supplied to make it such a success!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 27

Dear Parents,

Our rock unit "rocked" with the kids!  They loved going on the rock hunt and collecting their very own rocks.  We came back to the room and looked at what we found.  We cleaned them and sorted them and had so much fun!  Each student made a pet rock and took care of it all week!  We wrapped up the week by reading the book Stone Soup by Ann McGovern and making our own vegetable beef "stone" soup.  We also got to eat rocks...Pop Rocks candy.  It was a real treat to have all the kids quiet at once to listen to the "popping" sound! Thank you for sharing your kids with us here at Kemp Elementary!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 26

Dear Parents,
This week we learned about living and non-living things.  We wrapped up the week by heading out to the Kemp Garden to draw illustrations with labels in our books.  In Writing, we worked on individual stories in our journals.  In Math, we focused on number words to ten.  On Friday, we celebrated Pajama Day and Dr. Seuss' birthday with yummy Thing One and Two cupcakes!  It was a fun-filled day!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Good bye, Sebastian!

Dear Parents,

Today was Sebastian's last day at Kemp.  We are going to miss having him as our classmate and friend!  Good luck and best wishes!!!  We will miss you!
