Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Kemp! I am so excited to be starting the 2019-2020 school year and I am eagerly awaiting class lists (just like you) so I can see who will be in my, Mrs. Henderson's and Mrs. Harper's class!
Kindergarten is a milestone year for children as it marks their entrance into formal education. At Kemp, your child will be immersed in a world of letters, sounds, stories, songs, numbers, shapes, play dough, paint, glue (lots of glue!), sharing, making friends, learning to resolve problems, learning to read and write, and creative, imaginative play.
As you talk with your child about his/her day, please know that the process is sometimes more valuable than the product and learning is accomplished by being excited, motivated, and engaged in meaningful activities.
As your child's teacher, I think that one of my most important jobs is to create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. I want your child to be excited to come to school! I want your child to feel safe, loved, valued, respected, and confident. I want your child to know that mistakes are a part of learning and that each day, we have the chance to start over and try again.
I know that working together with you, we will accomplish many great things this year and I am excited to be a part of your child's first experience at Kemp!
I look forward to seeing you and your child at Meet and Greet Monday, July 30, 2019, at 9:00 am.