Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 10 Motion and JRFH

Dear Parents,
This week in Kindergarten the students wrapped up our study of shapes by completing a Shapes mini book and building shapes from marshmallows and toothpicks.  We also spent time learning about "Motion".  We watched a BrainPop Jr. video on how things move.  We acted out several different ways to move our bodies during Morning Songs (we have some future dancers in our room).  We also got to visit Motion Centers.  The kids had a chance to catapult marshmallows across the room, fly paper airplanes in the hall, race to see who could use a straw to blow a cotton ball across the finish line and build a ramp that would make a toy car travel the farthest.  Thursday our Book Buddies came to read us a special Halloween story.  Friday we went out to the bus port to participate in Jump Rope for Heart.  Wow!  Those kids can really  keep moving!  They had lots of fun!   I look forward to meeting with parents to discuss progress during Conference Week!

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