Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Boosterthon Update

Dear Parents,

Wow!  What an incredible first few days of Boosterthon we have had!

Kazanjian's Thundercats have  pledged…

$18.00 per lap

Yahoo!!!  Way to go!!!  You Rock!!!

Thank you for supporting our wonderful school and for being a part of the Kemp Community!

We are truly blessed!

The kids have earned three incentives so far:

-30 minutes extra recess - 3/12
-Pajama Day!  -3/13
-lunch in the room and a movie - 3/16

Be sure to go online to

 to register your child for a free gift!  

Each afternoon, the Kindergarten kids get to meet with the Boosterthon Team and learn about positive character traits and how they play an important part in building a strong community:

Then the kids get recognized for registering and/or getting pledges and receive their prizes!

Thank you again for participating in this fundraiser and we hope you can join us next Wednesday, March 18th, at  11:30 on the back field as we cheer on our rocking running kiddos!



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